Custom Sheet Metal & Rain Gutter Service
BAM Sheet Metal Co. provides architectural sheet metal services. Our production team members offer a wealth of experience when it comes to meeting even the most aggressive project schedules. As part of BAM’s commitment to craftsmanship, safety, sequence, and schedule, we work seamlessly with your team and other trades to ensure the project is completed on time and within your budget.
Our team of talented and very experienced sheet metal installers delivers quality work. It is thanks to their hard work that BAM Sheet Metal Co. is an established and trusted subcontractor.
Aluminum, Bonderized, Copper, Galvanized, and a variety of pre-finished metals are among the metals BAM provides for:
Parapet Coping
Roof Flashing and Edge metals
Chimney Shrouds
Deck Flashing
Base Flashing
Window and Door Pans
Gutter, Downspout, and Leader Heads
Scupper and Overflow Flashings
Dryer, Kitchen, and Bathroom Ventilation

Let’s Work Together